
I'm running panel data with N = 8 countries, T = 21 years. What types of test do I need for each following type of model? What are the correct command for them? Could you check it for me?

(1) POLS model
- Multicollinearity: vif
- Heteroskedasticity: imtest, white
- Autocorrelation: xtserial y x
- Cross-section correlation (is this necessary for POLS model?): xtcsd, pesaran abs
- Normality of residual (is this necessary?): sktest e

(2) FE model
- Multicollinearity: corr y x
- Heteroskedasticity: xttest3
- Autocorrelation: xtserial y x
- Cross-section correlation (is this necessary?): xtcsd, pesaran abs
- Normality of residual (is this necessary?): sktest e

(3) RE model
- Multicollinearity: corr y x
- Heteroskedasticity: xttest0
- Autocorrelation: xtserial y x
- Cross-section correlation (is this necessary?): xtcsd, pesaran abs
- Normality of residual (is this necessary?): sktest e