I am trying to reproduce a model conducted in previous studies, and work from there forward. However, the regression of those papers do truncate two independent variables, both at (-1) and (1). The regression looks like; dependent-var independent-var (truncated) and [battery of control variables]
My data looks like the following, stata-version; STATA 14. want to truncate TAXRISK TAXAVOID.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(TOBINQ TAXRISK TAXAVOID PTROAw VOL_PTROAw) 534.9625 . . -.02838538 . 716.5151 . . .002406625 . 940.1655 . . .02955219 . 1438.7303 . . .0464805 . 1799.5825 . . .081883 . 1524.2985 .2117158 -.05773715 .08523285 .21286123 1292.2108 .18533356 -.11306289 .08704758 .3091128 1531.971 1.6120528 -.16798247 .04276229 .21286123 1917.7026 .15945534 -.1646288 .06368567 .21286123 1816.2937 .12556152 -.1762948 .04258824 .21286123 2008.303 .11273167 -.2057642 .03846694 .21286123 2161.308 .09726332 -.1876211 .04787452 .34941465 1716.2954 .15766433 -.3829571 -.02318152 .4452159 1418.811 .5652186 -.4990783 .04112059 .29196942 2139.8582 .23024587 -.5566085 .05063291 .21286123 1443.271 . . -.02707996 . 1434.441 . . .02324767 . 2794.025 . . .06039088 . 2415.032 . . .03506268 . 2956.32 . . .06606981 . end
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