I'm interested in finding whether wind direction is a good predictor of the direction of fire spread. What is a suitable modelling technique for this question?

I have formatted my dataset to create variables of fire spread direction (angle between the centroid of the burned area and start of fire) and wind direction (angle the wind is blowing towards).
So far, I have considered: converting these angles to discrete categorical variables (0: North, 1: Northeast ... 7: Northwest), and then running a logit on the variable octant_angle_diff (e.g. +1 if fire_angle is East and wind_angle is South-east). I'm not sure how to interpret the estimate, though I think it would be a measure of how wind direction (as the deviation of wind angle from fire spread angle) is a predictor of fire spread direction.

clear all 
input fire_id    fire_angle    wind_angle    angle_diff
1    32    45    13
2    266    225    -41
3    104    270    166
4    220    45    -175
5    82    0    -82
6    45    45    0
7    85    225    140
8    80    270    -170
9    262    270    8
10    253    225    -28

gen fire_angle_octant = 0 if (fire_angle > (15 * 22.5) | fire_angle <= (1 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 1 if (fire_angle > (1 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (3 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 2 if (fire_angle > (3 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (5 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 3 if (fire_angle > (5 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (7 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 4 if (fire_angle > (7 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (9 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 5 if (fire_angle > (9 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (11 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 6 if (fire_angle > (11 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (13 * 22.5))
replace fire_angle_octant = 7 if (fire_angle > (13 * 22.5) & fire_angle <= (15 * 22.5))

gen wind_angle_octant = 0 if (wind_angle > (15 * 22.5) | wind_angle <= (1 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 1 if (wind_angle > (1 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (3 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 2 if (wind_angle > (3 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (5 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 3 if (wind_angle > (5 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (7 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 4 if (wind_angle > (7 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (9 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 5 if (wind_angle > (9 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (11 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 6 if (wind_angle > (11 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (13 * 22.5))
replace wind_angle_octant = 7 if (wind_angle > (13 * 22.5) & wind_angle <= (15 * 22.5))

gen octant_angle_diff =  wind_angle_octant - fire_angle_octant

mlogit octant_angle_diff
Thank you in advance,
