Hi all,

I have a problem with the image attached. In particular, I do not understand why the scale of the y and x-axis differ while representing both probabilities (and ranging from 0 to 1 with the same step-seize).

What I would like to obtain is the same image but with a square box rather than a rectangular one.
The code I am using is the following:

twoway (function y=x,lwidth(thin) lpattern(dash))(connected y_jpn x_jpn) (connected y_usa x_usa) (connected y_chn x_chn) (connected y_mar x_mar) (connected y_egy x_egy) (connected y_bra x_bra) (connected y_deu x_deu), xtitle("False Positive rate") ytitle("True Positive rate") legend(label(1 “Bench.”) label(2 “JPN”) label(3 “USA”) label(4 “DEU”) label(5 “CHN”) label(6 “MAR”) label(7 “EGY”) label(8 “BRA”)) scheme(s1color)
Thank you in advance,
