Good morning to the community Stata!

I would like to show a graph like the picture showing geometric mean of performance across years.
I would like a log scale of performance in y axis and years from 2010 until 2020 in x axis.

I ran this command [see below the picture] but I got an error in the x_axis. The date are not correctly ordered. I have 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2015, 2011, 2017, 2013, 2018 instead of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.


use"File4.dta", clear

*means and standard deviations of intangible assets by industry
collapse (mean) mean_intangible_assets_industry=intangible_assets (sd) sd_intangible_assets_industry=intangible_assets, by (industry)
asdoc list, replace
*means and standard deviations of intangible assets by year
collapse (mean) mean_intangible_assets_year=intangible_assets (sd) sd_intangible_assets_year=intangible_assets, by (year)
asdoc list, replace
*descriptive statistics for control variables (average, mean, sd)
asdoc tabstat enterprise_value_added market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility, stat(mean p50 sd), replace
*correlation for control variables 
corr enterprise_value_added market_capitalization leverage stock_growth dividend_payout_ratio stock_volatility
*setting panel data
xtset i year
*exploring panel data
xtline ln_firm_performance
xtline ln_firm_performance, overlay

*Fixed effects: Heterogeneity across entities (stripplot)
set obs 900
set seed 2803

gen performance = exp(rnormal(-2, 1))
gen type_industry = ceil(_n/ 100)

label def type_industry 1 `" "Basic" "Materials" "'  ///
2  `" "Communi-" "cations" "' 3 `" "Consumer" "Cyclical" "' 4 `" "Consumer" "Non-Cyclical" "' ///
5  "Energy"  6 "Financial"  7 "Industrial"  8 "Technology" 9  "Utilities" , modify

label val type_industry type_industry

* get a gmean() function (don't remove the *) 
* ssc inst egenmore

* sort on geometric mean (don't remove the *) 
* ssc inst myaxis
myaxis xaxis=type_industry, sort(gmean performance)

* ssc inst stripplot
stripplot performance, over(xaxis) centre vertical cumul cumprob refline scheme(s1color) xla(, noticks labsize(small)) xsize(7) xtitle("") ysc(log) yla(5 2 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02, ang(h))  reflevel(gmean) mc(blue)

*Fixed effects: Heterogeneity across years (stripplot)
set obs 900
set seed 2803

gen performance = exp(rnormal(-2, 1))
gen type_year = ceil(_n/ 100)

label def type_year 1 "2010" 2 "2011" 3 "2012" 4 "2013" 5 "2014" 6 "2015" 7 "2016" 8 "2017" 9 "2018" 10 "2019" 11 "2020", modify

label val type_year type_year

* get a gmean() function (don't remove the *) 
* ssc inst egenmore

* sort on geometric mean (don't remove the *) 
* ssc inst myaxis
myaxis xaxis=type_year, sort(gmean performance)

* ssc inst stripplot
stripplot performance, over(xaxis) centre vertical cumul cumprob refline scheme(s1color) xla(, noticks labsize(small)) xsize(7) xtitle("") ysc(log) yla(5 2 1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02, ang(h))  reflevel(gmean) mc(blue)

Thank you for your help.