Hi there,

My goal is to save the table produced by the command -pstest-, preferably to word but I wouldn't mind it to be saved in another type of file either.

I tried using the command -putdocx-, but Stata 16.1 gave me the following error message.


I've also looked at commands like -esttab- and -estout-, but didn't manage to successfully use those either.

Anyone has an idea how to solve this?

My example code:
clear all
webuse cattaneo2

putdocx begin
putdocx paragraph

probit mbsmoke mhisp mage medu 
predict pscore if e(sample), p
psmatch2 mbsmoke, outcome(bweight) pscore(pscore) kernel common 
pstest mhisp mage medu, both

putdocx table Table1=etable
putdocx save pstestexample, replace