Dear all,

I was trying to automate the creation of a two-sided bar graph and then realized that there is something wrong with my code when I try to refer to the value of the variable 'infection' for other regions than the first one (i.e., region == 1).

In the code, I try to create a variable called 'temp', that is by design meant to be equal to the variable 'infection', but Stata confirms that it is not the case (with the command 'assert').

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(region infection)
 1 -259131
 2 -123457
 3  -69751
 4  -65337
 5  -33808
 6  -33306
 7  -30560
 8  -25685
 9  -11081
10   -5423
   gen temp = .
   qui glevelsof region, local(test)
   foreach i of local test {
   replace temp = infection[region == `i'] if region == `i'
  assert temp == infection
I noted the following: the value of infection for the first region is correctly displayed but the ones for the second region and on, I get just a missing value (shown below):

di "`=infection[region == 1]'"

di "`=infection[region == 2]'"

di "`=infection[region == 3]'"
I am wondering why the commands " di "`=infection[region == 2]'" " and " ​​​​​​​di "`=infection[region == 3]'" " do not show the right values, i.e, -123457 and -69751.

Can you help me, please, figure out what is going here?

Thank you in advance.

