
Please see my current graph.

I would like to split the "Arab Spring" label in two lines

My current code is as follows (I colored the line of the code in question in red to make it easier to find):

graph twoway (scatter vae year if countryname1==196, connect(direct) color(yellow)) (scatter vae year if countryname1==110, connect(direct) color(green) title("Voice and Accountability") ytitle("Index" "Score", orient(horizontal)) ylabel(,angle(0)) xtitle("") xlabel(2008(2)2020,grid) ylabel(,grid) text(0.4 2019.5 "Tunisia") text(-1.35 2019.5 "Libya") text(-1.55 2019.5 "Egypt")) (scatter vae year if countryname1==58, connect(direct) color(purple) tline(2010, lc(gray)) tlabel(2010 "Arab Spring", add labsize(*.75)) legend(label(1 "Tunisia") label(2 "Libya") label(3 "Egypt") col(3)))

I have tried several hours to find the right way to do this and I can't. I would tremendously appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you very much for your help and suggestions,