Dear Statalist,

I am currently writing my dissertation and have encountered some difficulties that are related to a measurement change in one of my data sets. I am investigating the effect of several variables on GDP during the time period of 1990-2015, with the use of Stata 16. The data covers multiple countries and is therefore in a panel data format.

However, although the data on my trade variable is provided by the same source, the data is divided into two sets (1990-2005 and 2006-2015) due to a measurement change. I am therefore interested in creating a dummy variable that accounts for this change and is specifically related to the trade variable as well as the years after 2005. Due to confidentiality reasons, I am unfortunately not able to post my output files, but I hope that you will still be able to provide me with some advice on how to resolve this issue.

Kind regards,

Camille Smith