Dear Statalisters,

I am running a regression with proportions as dependent variable. In the beta regression I run interactions between independent variables. The interactions work perfectly in the regression but when trying to find the margins, Stata does not deliver the margin values.

Some background:
I am interested to see if the probability of a partner business deal (Dealprob) increase when the CEO has the same nationality as the partner (CEOhomebias). For further insights I use Multinationality as interacting continuous variable, which measures foreign sales/total sales.

I am using the following regression model:
betareg Dealprob CEOhomebias Multinationality CEOhomebias#c.Multinationality
Hereafter I use the following commands to find marginal effects:

 margins CEOhomebias#c.Multinationality
only factor variables and their interactions are allowed r(198);
 margins CEOhomebias#Multinationality Multinationality 
factor variables may not contain noninteger values r(452)
 margins, dydx(CEOhomebias#c.Multinationality)
invalid dydx() option; levels of interactions not allowed r(198);
 margins, dydx(i.CEOhomebias#c.Multinationality)
i:  operator invalid
 margins, dyex(CEOhomebias#c.Multinationality)
invalid dyex() option; levels of interactions not allowed
I hope you guys can help me out, thank you in advance!