Hi all,

I am trying to replicate the regression analysis shown in the attached picture. The basic specification estimated is a diff-in-diff model:

where Y is log education expenditure in household h in community j in district d at time t,
λ is household fixed effects
MM is a dummy for mobile money users,
N is a dummy for suffering an illness shock,
X, S and C are vectors of various controls,
and γ is a district-specific time trend.

So I am basically looking at whether mobile money users have an advantage over non-users in maintaining education expenditure following an exogenous illness shock.

I have two questions:

1. How do I efficiently calculate (a) the average shock effect, (b) the partial shock effects for mobile money users and non-users, and (c) the overall mean of the shock (cf. highlights in the attached picture)?

For (a), would it be appropriate to use
 margins, S
For (b), would it be correct to use AMEs
margins, dydx(S MM)
or rather MEMs
margins, dydx(S MM) atmeans
And what about (c)?

2. Apologies if this sounds extremely elementary, but what exactly is the difference between running an OLS regression in Stata vs running a panel regression? Is it enough to simply add 'i.hhid' for the added Household FE, or does it imply running a regression via the xtreg command, with specifying the structure of the panel via the xtset command in advance?

I am relatively new to Stata and Statalist so I would appreciate any help.
Many thanks in advance.