I am a PhD student and relative newcomer to Stata and was hoping you might be able to help me with a problem I am encountering when merging two datasets. The first dataset comprises Wave 1 of a survey (999 participants). The second dataset is Wave 2 of the same survey (plus some additional new questions) (815 participants) i.e. a follow-up survey which targeted the same sample just 3 months later. Each participant in both surveys has a unique numeric Prolific id (e.g. 503ld3858389289hk12). Responses from each of the two surveys have been uploaded separately to Stata, destrung and cleaned. I have checked the uploaded data against the original raw data and in both cases it all looks fine. The problem comes when I try to merge the two files in order to perform a panel data analysis. My process is as follows:
- clear all, use "C:\Users\User\Downloads\Final Raw merged data file from LimeSurvey.dta" (MASTER FILE - ie RAW SURVEY 1 DATA)
- I then run a duplicates list WhatisyourProlificid check and drop all duplicate ids (WhatisyourProlificid is the string id variable used in the data)
- Then I run a whole load of rename, label var and encode [ ], gen[ ] commands to clean and destring the data, creating a destrung version of the WhatisyourProlificid var "id_d"
- I then import the Wave 2 data (which has also been cleaned and destrung and checked for duplicate ids using merge 1:1 id_d using "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\STATA\finalcovid surveydestrungdataupdated03092020.dta" and drop the variables that don't match. Process seems to run fine and I am left with n=822 participants
I am at a complete loss as to what is going on or what I could do to try and fix this issue so any help or advice you could offer would be hugely appreciated.
Best wishes
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