I face a problem in understanding the structure of my data and in estimating. For my study, I use the World Bank Enterprise Survey conducted in more than 25 countries between 2010 and 2018 (e.g. Ghana 2010, Keyna 2010, Central African Republic 2011, Ethiopia 2011, Cameroon 2016, Chad 2018, Gambia 2018 etc.). In these countries, the survey was conducted only once, so there was no repetition in the observations.
The objective of my study is to assess the effect of corruption on access to credit. My dependent variable is a binary variable. I want to estimate a simple logit like in the article I read. To answer this research question, can I declare my data set as panel data or cross-sectional data. If it is panel data, that is fine. But if it is cross-sectional, then how can I process it in STATA to calculate by combining all countries together and how do I control for country effect, industry effect and year effect?
What is the Stata command?

Your suggestions are very much appreciated.