I am very much a novice using mata, and i am trying to write a small piece of mata to change rowheights of an excel file.
My final command looks like this:
excelrowht, file("mytestexport.xlsx") sheet( "Sheet1") linehtlist("1 / 10 " "11/20 @35" "21,30 @50" "31/40 @65" )
It consists of a small bit of .ado and small piece of .mata
However, the mata is really inefficent as it open and closes everything each time.
Ideally i would like function to open the workbook, another to make edits, and a final one to close it.
But alas, i have no idea how to split the function apart and still allow it to work.
cap prog drop excelrowht prog define excelrowht syntax, linehtlist(string asis) file(string asis) sheet(string asis) foreach group in `linehtlist' { if strpos("`group'" ,",")>0 { tokenize "`group'" , parse("@," ) local ls `1' local le `3' local ht `5' di "`ls' `le' `ht'" mata: excelrowht(`file', `sheet', `ls' , `ht', `le') } // end if else { tokenize "`group'" , parse("@") local linelist `1' local ht `3' foreach ls of numlist `linelist' { di "`ls' `ht'" mata: excelrowht(`file', `sheet', `ls' , `ht') } // end foreach } // end else } // end group end
mata void excelrowht( string scalar file , /// string scalar sheet , /// real vector rowstart , /// | real scalar rowht , /// real scalar rowend) { if (rowht==.) rowht =30 if (rowend==.) rowend=rowstart printf("excelrowht( %s, %s, %f , %f, %f )",file,sheet,rowstart,rowend,rowht) class xl scalar b b =xl() b.load_book(file) b.set_mode("open") b.set_sheet(sheet) b.set_keep_cell_format("on") for (i=1; i<=length(rowstart); i++) { b.set_row_height(rowstart[i],rowend[i],rowht) } b.close_book() } end
mata void excelrowhtopen( string scalar file , /// string scalar sheet /// ) { printf("excelrowht( %s, %s, )",file,sheet) class xl scalar b b =xl() b.load_book(file) b.set_mode("open") b.set_sheet(sheet) } void excelrowhtput( real scalar rowstart , /// | real scalar rowht , /// real scalar rowend) { class xl scalar b b =xl() if (rowht==.) rowht =30 if (rowend==.) rowend=rowstart printf("excelrowht( %f , %f, %f )",rowstart,rowend,rowht) for (i=1; i<=length(rowstart); i++) { b.set_row_height(rowstart[i],rowend[i],rowht) } } void excelrowhtclose( ) { b.close_book() } end
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