
InvestorID InvestmentTime InvestmentType InvestmentNumber SuccessInvestments InvestmentStatus
87967 1/2/2012 7:47 Manual Bidding 1 1 CLOSED
87967 1/10/2012 7:15 Manual Bidding 2 2 CLOSED
87967 3/19/2012 8:03 Manual Bidding 3 3 CLOSED
87967 5/16/2012 7:49 Manual Bidding 4 4 CLOSED
87967 6/19/2012 8:10 Manual Bidding 5 5 CLOSED
87967 6/19/2012 8:21 Manual Bidding 6 6 CLOSED
87967 7/9/2012 4:06 Manual Bidding 7 7 CLOSED
87967 8/17/2012 8:05 Manual Bidding 8 8 CLOSED
87967 9/5/2012 4:12 Manual Bidding 9 9 CLOSED
87967 11/7/2012 4:07 Manual Bidding 10 10 CLOSED
87967 1/22/2013 2:32 Manual Bidding 11 11 CLOSED
87967 5/20/2013 4:31 Automatic Bidding 12 12 CLOSED
87967 5/29/2013 3:49 Automatic Bidding 13 12 FAILED
87967 5/30/2013 4:23 Automatic Bidding 14 12 FAILED
87967 5/31/2013 8:43 Automatic Bidding 15 13 CLOSED
87967 6/3/2013 5:27 Automatic Bidding 16 14 CLOSED
87967 6/3/2013 8:50 Automatic Bidding 17 15 CLOSED
87967 6/3/2013 8:59 Automatic Bidding 18 16 CLOSED
87967 6/4/2013 5:05 Automatic Bidding 19 17 CLOSED
87967 6/6/2013 4:31 Automatic Bidding 20 18 CLOSED
87967 6/6/2013 6:18 Automatic Bidding 21 19 CLOSED
87967 7/15/2013 4:47 Automatic Bidding 22 20 CLOSED
Hello guys,
I want to plot a graph for investors to show how when they start bidding on the platform, they start using manual type of bids. However, when they spend some time on the market, they switch to automatic bidding. How can I plot this using the variables mentioned above. I also have a variable called Experience which shows their time on market spent in days.Investment number is the number of investment attempted (1,2,3,4.......10k). InvestmentType is a variable where Manual Bidding = 0 and Automatic Bidding = 1.

I tried this code but it didn't give me the results i want to show. It just showed me the flow of my data. My aim is to show how investors switch from manual to automatic or visa versa at a certain period of time.

bys InvestorId InvestmentNumber: g ManualBids = 1 if InvestmentType==0
replace ManualBids =0 if ManualBids ==.
replace ManualBids = sum(ManualBids)

bys InvestorId InvestmentNumber: g AutomatedBids = 1 if InvestmentType==1
replace AutomatedBids =0 if AutomatedBids ==.
replace AutomatedBids = sum(AutomatedBids)

collapse AutomatedBids ManualBids, by(InvestmentNumber)

twoway (scatter ManualBids InvestmentNumber, mcolor(navy)) (scatter AutomatedBids InvestmentNumber,mcolor(maroon))