Here is my data and I want create the new variable in the stata based on the information given in the data. But when I apply the following command, I do not see the correct calculation. (Variable are in numeric format when I do the analysis)

1- New_Var1: should have value of either var2 or var3, whichever is the bigger.
my command " gen New_Var1= var1 if var1>var2"
"replace New_Var1= var2 if var2>=var1"
When I check the results, it does not show the right answer. The below data is just an example, my real data has some missing values. Do I need to put somethings in the command for missing value?

Thanks in advance

input str4(var1 var2 var3)
"var1" "var2" "var3"
"1" "12.4" "10.9"
"2" "9.5" "9.3"
"3" "13.2" "7.6"
"4" "14.5" "9.9"
"5" "12.1" "12.4"
"6" "17.6" "25.0"
"7" "15.4" "12.8"
"8" "7.9" "7.8"
"9" "16.7" "14.5"
"10" "10.6" ""