I'm working on panel data (firm level) and making decile portfolios of one of my variable that's geographical proximity (geop) which has values from 0 to 1.
I'm using the following code
egen gpdecile = xtile(geop), by(fyear) nq(10)
gpdecile Freq. Percent Cum.
1 7,462 50.44 50.44
4 60 0.41 50.84
5 386 2.61 53.45
6 1,099 7.43 60.88
7 1,497 10.12 71.00
8 1,488 10.06 81.05
9 1,505 10.17 91.23
10 1,298 8.77 100.00
Total 14,795 100.00
I want to get summary statistics based on geographical proximity deciles. Can someone help on this please?
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