Hi everyone, I am new here so I will try my best to make my question as clear as possible. Hope you can help me!

I have one Stata file with weekly data and one with daily data that I have listed below:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int date float logreturns
18263            .
18270   .005912311
18277   -.02824102
18284   -.02903412
18291   -.01994818
18298   .014344783
18305    .02588445
18312 -.0034485045
18319   .017997647
18326   .023993673
18333   .013462635
18340 -.0000857589
18347   .010555468
18354   .007054226
18361    .02104243
18368 -.0024789916
18375 -.0015649385
18382   -.06737653
18389   .025631474
18396   -.07706712
18403   .028944694
18410  -.000208626
18417  -.014605192
18424    .02651237
format %td date
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int date double LIBOR
18266 .25438
18267  .2525
18268    .25
18269 .24938
18270 .25125
18273 .25125
18274 .25125
18275 .25125
18276 .25125
18277 .25125
18280 .24875
18281   .249
18282 .24888
18283 .24888
18284 .24906
18287 .24875
18288 .24875
18289 .24875
18290 .24875
18291 .24906
18294 .24906
18295 .25031
18296 .24906
18297 .24875
18298 .24969
format %td date

I have to merge these Stata files and I want to use the following command:
joinby date using 'filename', unmatched(both)
Before I can use this command I think I have to transform the weekly data into daily data? I spend several hours trying out a lot of different codes but I can't get it to work.

One of the codes I used to transform the weekly data to daily data is the following code:

gen wdate = wofd(daily(string(date, "%8.0f"), "DMY"))
format wdate %tw
When using this code I only retrieve dots in the wdate variable.

I already looked at the Stata datetime and datetime translation guides but I can't get it to work.

Really hope you can help me, thank you!