I need help with codes to eliminate the entire id (along with all its observations across all vars) for banks (id) that does not have 3-consecutive years or more of observations. In other words i want to keep banks in my sample that has 3-consecutive years minimum observations.
Now the tricky part for me that i need the code that allows to drop those banks based on specific variable (consecutive years) and a code that just drop banks with no 3-consecutive across all variables. since the latter might significantly reduce my sample size.
My sample:
xtdescribe "id refers to individual banks" id: 11393, 12770, ..., 99921 n = 1096 year: 2002, 2003, ..., 2019 T = 18 Delta(year) = 1 unit Span(year) = 18 periods (id*year uniquely identifies each observation)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long id int year double(EA AssetG) float ZS_3 11393 2002 . . . 11393 2003 . . . 11393 2004 . . . 11393 2005 . . . 11393 2006 . . . 11393 2007 . . . 11393 2008 . . . 11393 2009 . . . 11393 2010 . . . 11393 2011 . . . 11393 2012 14.54 . . 11393 2013 12.07 -1.89 6.098352 11393 2014 10.8 3.39 6.054359 11393 2015 10.41 1.5 5.482283 11393 2016 11.48 54.93 4.765625 11393 2017 11.87 .34 4.38668 11393 2018 . . . 11393 2019 . . . 12770 2002 . . . 12770 2003 . . . 12770 2004 . . . 12770 2005 . . . 12770 2006 . . . 12770 2007 . . . 12770 2008 . . . 12770 2009 . . . 12770 2010 . . . 12770 2011 39.92 . . 12770 2012 35.45 6.68 . 12770 2013 32.23 12.42 2.918765 12770 2014 31.75 30.6 2.0367548 12770 2015 54.5 -25.49 2.671301 12770 2016 57.06 12.61 2.4895585 12770 2017 36.06 63.3 2.736582 12770 2018 32.25 1.52 2.818459 12770 2019 17.52 54.26 2.2408023 13171 2002 . . . 13171 2003 . . . 13171 2004 . . . 13171 2005 5.67 . . end
egen tag = tag(id year) egen ntag = total(tag), by(id) drop if ntag < 3
(0 observations deleted)
rangestat (count) year, interval(year -2 0) by(id) . bysort id (year_count): gen to_drop4 = year_count[_N] < 3 . sort id year . assert to_drop1 == to_drop2
to_drop1 not found r(111);
Finally, this is only my second post and i hope i followed the instruction for statalist forum guidelines. if i missed something please do tell me.
I appreciate your help.
Kind regards,
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