Hello good people,
I have a question regarding my approach of analyzing data for a project.
# I have a DV "average score" that is the average of two scores "manager score" and "employee score".
# I am interested to understand how a particular IV impacts these. This IV is "firm character".

Average score (Y) = b1* firm character + ....
Manager score (Y1) = b2 * firm character + ....
Employee score (Y2) = b3* firm character + ....

Till now, I observed that "firm character" is a significant predictor of "average score" and "manager score" but not of "employee score".
I am wondering if I can do a CHOW test to test whether the co-efficient of my IV that is "firm character" statistically different between "manager score" and "employee score" but can this be tested? Because the DV is different in the two equations.
I am trying to understand how to go ahead. My final objective is to have a robust proof that the coefficient of "firm character" is different between "manager score" and "employee score".
Thank you and stay healthy!