I have a following regression equation:

Y(Croprotation)=a=ba*time + b2*grpmem + b3*(time* grpmem)

Croprotation= 1 if HHs practice crop rotation and 0 otherwise
time takes 0 for baseline and 1 for the endline
grpmem is whether or not HH has membership into an agriculture group.

I ran this regression to evaluate the impact of membership into agriculture group on adoption of improved agriculture practices (Above example is for crop rotation). Command was logistic agpcrpr i.time##i.grpmem and I got following results

Table 1:
Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
endline 3.1205 0.264247 13.44 0 2.643282 3.683874
Has membership 1.549721 0.227346 2.99 0.003 1.162468 2.06598
endline*Has membership 1.158914 0.236407 0.72 0.47 0.776988 1.728574

After this I also ran post estimation command

margins time#grpmem
margins grpmem, dydx(time)

and results were

Table 2:
Margin Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
Baseline#No membership 0.50034 0.0124978 40.03 0 0.475845 0.524835
Baseline#Has membership 0.595741 0.0287983 20.69 0 0.539297 0.652184
Endline#No membership 0.73365 0.0106975 68.58 0 0.712684 0.754617
Endline#Has membership 0.824793 0.0177039 46.59 0 0.790094 0.859492

Table 3:
dy/dx Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]
0.time (base outcome)
No membership group .2333107 .0164791 14.16 0 0.201012 0.265609
Has membership group .2290519 .0334853 6.84 0 0.163422 0.294682

My questions:
  1. Can I say that (from Table 1) ; Having membership in agriculture group increases the probability of adopting crop rotation by 15% (though the result is not significant, I am just wondering about the interpretation). In that case what would be my reference group.
  2. How do I interpret the results from post estimation, Table 2 & Table 3? And how are they calculated?