Hi All.

I have the following duplication of data in id & p_id, which I need to resolve. This data has paired up couples where they exist. As an example of the duplication problem, I have included data on one couple - some variables are included for both in a couple.

While not evident here, we sometimes observe an id with multiple partners (p_ids) that remains in the survey for many waves. We also find p_ids may drop out of the survey at the end of their relationship with a given id. In such cases, the id has more observations than some p_ids.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long(id p_id) byte wave int(age p_age) byte(marstat p_marstat) float length byte(educ p_educ) long(inc p_inc) byte lifesat double volunteer byte fired
14  15  1 47 44 1 1 16 5 8  79958  79958  4 . .
14  15  2 48 45 1 1 16 5 8 108000 108000  7 0 1
14  15  3 49 46 1 1 16 5 8 139000 139000  7 0 1
14  15  4 50 47 1 1 16 5 8 141718 141718  8 0 1
14  15  5 51 48 1 1 16 5 8 140723 140723  7 0 1
14  15  6 52 49 1 1 16 5 8 113008 113008  8 0 1
14  15  7 53 50 1 1 16 5 8 122832 122832  8 0 1
14  15  8 54 51 1 1 16 5 5 137991 137991  6 0 1
14  15  9 55 52 1 1 16 5 5 137140 137140  8 0 2
14  15 10 56 53 1 1 16 5 5  85330  85330  8 0 2
14  15 11 57 54 1 1 16 5 5  51148  51148  7 0 1
14  15 12 58 55 1 1 16 5 5  49378  49378  5 0 1
14  15 13 59 56 1 1 16 5 5  42822  42822  8 0 1
14  15 14 60 57 1 1 16 5 5  48164  48164  7 0 1
14  15 15 61 58 1 1 16 5 5  57011  57011  8 0 1
14  15 16 62 59 1 1 16 5 5  57930  57930  9 0 1
14       . 18 64  . 3 .  0 5 .      0      .  8 1 1
15  14  1 44 47 1 1 16 8 5  79958  79958  7 . .
15  14  2 45 48 1 1 16 8 5 108000 108000  8 0 1
15  14  3 46 49 1 1 16 8 5 139000 139000  7 0 2
15  14  4 47 50 1 1 16 8 5 141718 141718  8 0 1
15  14  5 48 51 1 1 16 8 5 140723 140723  7 0 1
15  14  6 49 52 1 1 16 8 5 113008 113008  8 0 1
15  14  7 50 53 1 1 16 8 5 122832 122832  6 0 1
15  14  8 51 54 1 1 16 5 5 137991 137991  7 0 1
15  14  9 52 55 1 1 16 5 5 137140 137140  7 0 1
15  14 10 53 56 1 1 16 5 5  85330  85330  7 0 1
15  14 11 54 57 1 1 16 5 5  51148  51148  7 0 1
15  14 12 55 58 1 1 16 5 5  49378  49378  8 0 1
15  14 13 56 59 1 1 16 5 5  42822  42822  7 0 1
15  14 14 57 60 1 1 16 5 5  48164  48164  9 0 1
15  14 15 58 61 1 1 16 5 5  57011  57011  7 0 1
15  14 16 59 62 1 1 16 5 5  57930  57930  8 0 1
15       . 17 60  . 3 .  0 5 .  51000      .  7 0 1
15       . 18 61  . 3 .  0 5 .  50000      .  8 0 1
I believe this duplication issue may have arisen from the code used to merge the data (see below).
local variables id p_id age marstat length educ inc lifesat volunteer fired 
local filename allwaves
save "`savingdir'/`filename'", replace emptyok
    forvalues wave=1/18 {
    local waveprefix = word(c(alpha), `wave')
    quietly use "`origdatadir'/Combined_`waveprefix'180c.dta", clear
    rename `waveprefix'* *
    isvar `variables'        
    keep `r(varlist)'
    generate byte wave = `wave'
    display "Wave `wave' (`waveprefix') - kept `thiswave'
    append using "`savingdir'/`filename'"
    save "`savingdir'/`filename'", replace

// partner data
tempfile partners
drop if p_id==""
drop id
rename * p_*
rename (p_id p_wave) (id wave)
save `partners'

// merge
use "`savingdir'/`filename'"
merge 1:1 id wave using `partners', nolabel
assert (p_id!="" & _merge==3) | (p_id=="" & _merge==1)
drop _merge

// make panel
destring id p_id, replace 
sort id wave
xtset id wave
save "`savingdir'/`filename'", replace
order id wave
I appreciate any assistance to help address the duplication.