I am working on understanding youth unemployment and use four main independent variables in my analysis. This is panel data over a 17 year period. The independent variables are various labor market policies in terms of spending as a percentage of GDP. I am interacting the variable l2diffgov_left1, which is a left-leaning percentage of national parliaments, with each of the four independent variables. However, I am not sure my code is correctly written. I use the following FLGS code:

xtgls youthunemp l2diffgov_left1 DirectJobCreation c.DirectJobCreation#c.l2diffgov_left1 ///
diffSupportedEmployment c.diffSupportedEmployment#c.l2diffgov_left1 diffEmploymentIncentives ///
c.diffEmploymentIncentives#c.l2diffgov_left1 Training c.Training#c.l2diffgov_left1 ///
c.pes_allocation c.diffoutputgap c.diffpopinflow c.diffeduexp ///
i.eurozone i.timeineu, force corr(psar1) panels(heteroskedastic)
                  youthunemp |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           DirectJobCreation |   12.79618   8.171792     1.57   0.117    -3.220243    28.81259
         c.DirectJobCreation |  -.2989567   .1525122    -1.96   0.050     -.597875   -.0000384
     diffSupportedEmployment |  -19.14426   14.22704    -1.35   0.178    -47.02875    8.740232
   c.diffSupportedEmployment |  -.7113015   1.137749    -0.63   0.532    -2.941248    1.518645
    diffEmploymentIncentives |   2.706086   5.299485     0.51   0.610    -7.680714    13.09289
  c.diffEmploymentIncentives |   .5451802     .57932     0.94   0.347    -.5902661    1.680626
                    Training |  -8.846645   2.190553    -4.04   0.000    -13.14005    -4.55324
c.l2diffgov_left1#c.Training |   .0482751   .0379735     1.27   0.204    -.0261517    .1227019
              pes_allocation |  -.0036642   .0039625    -0.92   0.355    -.0114307    .0041022
               diffoutputgap |   -.186353   .1021896    -1.82   0.068     -.386641     .013935
               diffpopinflow |  -1.59e-06   2.77e-06    -0.57   0.567    -7.02e-06    3.84e-06
                  diffeduexp |  -.2908097   1.180846    -0.25   0.805    -2.605226    2.023607
                  1.eurozone |   5.492686   1.242138     4.42   0.000     3.058141    7.927231
                    timeineu |  -.1420854   .0262644    -5.41   0.000    -.1935627    -.090608
                       _cons |   21.02276   1.638759    12.83   0.000     17.81086    24.23467

As you can see, I also have control variables. However, I am having two issues: 1) Have I coded in a way that makes sense, and 2) how do I read the effects of training schemes when we have left leaning governments on youth unemployment.

Thank you for any help. Also, I have tried to read through the guidelines, but as this is my first time posting I wanted to apologize in advance if I have missed a step.

Thank you!