I come up with a new beginner question and hope for your ideas / advise / support. I run synth and so far everything works perfectly.
Now I want to save these results
out of these matrices and
back into my data (predictor balance, unit weights, RMSPE, y_snth etc.); to the respective identifier.Why? Because I have multiple treated units and have to run it on different data individually. Synth_runner is no solution for my problem.
In the best case, I would like to write the new variables (blue) back in the afterwards logic:
ID | Depend.V. | Predictors (many) |
Results 1 (RMSPE) | (Balance_Treated_ V1) |
(Balance_Treated_ V2
1 | profit1 | variable1 | 0,1xx | 0.11111 | ... | ... |
1 | profit1 |
0,1xx | 0,11111 | ... | ... |
1 | profit1 |
0,1xx | 0,11111 | ... | ... |
2 | profit2 |
0,2xx | 0,22222 | ... | ... |
2 | profit2 |
0,2xx | 0,22222 | ... | ... |
2 | profit2 | variable1 | 0,2xx | 0,22222 | ... | ... |
... | ... |
The standard "keep(filename)"-option provides me with too few information (i.e. no predictor balance) and are not adequate to process further (in the vertical logic).
The "save via ereturn" is not working. Maybe I am doing something wrong here?
So basically, ... my question: How do I get the information out of the matrixes and back into my old or new panel data?
Thank you !

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