Dear all,

I'm new here on the forum, but I have a question about the possibility to combine the output of different t tests in one table.
I'll explain my question by using the auto dataset of stata.

I aslo read the answer on this question:
This answer gave the correct input to take my first step.

I used the following code in order to achieve a table with seven columns.
sysuse auto, clear

ttest price if turn>=1 & rep78>2 , by(foreign )

loc mean1 = `r(mu_1)'
loc mean2 = `r(mu_2)'
loc se1 = `r(se)'
loc se2 = `r(se)'
loc obs1 = `r(N_1)'
loc obs2 = `r(N_2)'

* Write these with asdoc using the row option
asdoc, save(output.doc) row(\i, Group 2, Group 1, \i, \i, \i, \i) title(Ttest) replace

asdoc, save(output.doc) rowappend row(Price, `mean2', `mean1') dec(2) stars(all)
asdoc, save(output.doc) rowappend row(\i, `se2', `se1') dec(2) stars(all)
asdoc, save(output.doc) rowappend row(Observations, `obs2', `obs1') dec(0) stars(all)
If I would run more t tests, for instance ttest price , by(gear_ratio) and ttest price, by(length), and add the results to the table in such a way as is presented below.
Group 2 Group 1 Gear_ratio2 Gear_ratio1 Length 1 Length 2
Price 6384.68 6164.19 M2 M1 M2 M1
775.71 775.71 SE2 SE1 SE2 SE1
Observations 22 42 N N N N
So the first three colums are presenting the results of the ttest, and I want to include the results of more ttests in columns 4-7.

Is this possible? And how can I achieve this?
Another question: is it possible to present the standard error for the first variable and the second variable instead of the overall standard error?
A last one: What is wrong with my code concerning significance stars?

Thanking you in advance,