I'm trying to calculate the average price-to-book ratio of dividend-paying companies, using Stata version 16.
The goal is the following: for companies that pay a dividend and i have information about the price-to-book ratio, I want to calculate the average price-to-book ratio of these companies per month.
Therefore i have a dataset containing information whether the company paid dividends and another dataset containing the information about the price-to-book ratio of that company.
These are the datasets:
For the price-to-book ratio: file name: test_ptb
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int Year byte(Month Nr_289166) double(Nr_922924 Nr_982102 Nr_504689) 1999 1 . 3.22 .38 1.32 1999 2 . 3.66 .4 1.21 1999 3 . 4.05 .43 1.19 1999 4 . 4.6 .42 1.29 1999 5 . 4.47 .39 1.34 2000 1 . 6.48 .48 .71 2000 2 . 6.3 .48 .81 2000 3 . 6.78 .45 .77 2000 4 . 6.8 .45 .71 2000 5 . 7.44 .45 .8 end
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int Year byte Month double(Nr_289166 Nr_922924) byte Nr_982102 double Nr_504689 1999 1 . .46 0 1.06 1999 2 . .46 0 1.06 1999 3 . .46 0 1.06 1999 4 . .46 0 1.06 1999 5 . .46 0 1.06 2000 1 3.5 .47 0 1.06 2000 2 3.5 .47 0 1.06 2000 3 3.5 .47 0 1.06 2000 4 3.5 .47 0 1.06 2000 5 3.5 .47 0 1.06 end
Now I would use frames for both data
frame create div
frame div: use test_div
frame create ptb
frame ptb: use test_ptb
I thought about creating a third frame, containing the values of ptb if in the file div the value = 1.
What I have tried:
frame change div
foreach i of varlist(Nr_289166-Nr_504689){
if `i'== 1 {
frame put Nr_289166-Nr_504689, into(new)
save new
I know that somehow the identification that year == year and month == month is missing, but i don't know how to include it in the command.
Thank you very much for your help!
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