Dear All, I have this dataset
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int(id start end)
1101 2004 2009
1101 2018 2023
1102 2008 2013
1102 2011 2016
1102 2011 2016
1102 2013 2018
1102 2018 2023
For each `id', I'd like to define a dummy variable, say `d', which is 1 if the year is between (including) `start' and `end'. For instance, for id=1101 (no overlapping years), d=1 if the year is 2004,2005,...,2009, 2018,2019,...,2013. In contrast, for id=1102, there are some overlapping years. It can be seen that, d=1 for years 2008,2009,...,2023. Any suggestions. Thanks.