I have a simple question but cannot seem to get it to work.
I have downloaded gridded temperature data from 1980 to 2015 from India Meteorological Department. There are separate files for the maximum and minimum temperature, which means that i have 72 files. Further the data is in the .grd and .txt format.
My issue is how should I import this data in Stata so that I have one file which contains the date, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, latitude and longitude as seperate variables in the long "format"?
this is what the data in the .txt file looks like
DAILY MINIMUM TEMPARATURE DTMTYEAR LAT. 67.5 68.0 68.5 69.0 69.5 70.0 70.5 71.0 71.5 72.0 72.5 73.0 73.5 74.0 74.5 75.0 75.5 76.0 76.5 77.0 77.5 78.0 78.5 79.0 79.5 80.0 80.5 81.0 81.5 82.0 82.5 83.0 83.5 84.0 84.5 85.0 85.5 86.0 86.5 87.0 87.5 88.0 88.5 89.0 89.5 90.0 90.5 91.0 91.5 92.0 92.5 93.0 93.5 94.0 94.5 95.0 95.5 96.0 96.5 97.0 97.5 01011981 7.5 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90 99.90
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