Dear all,

I would like to perform a repeat sales analysis based on housing data from the American Housing Survey.
List of variables:

With the code below, I was already able to perform a hedonic regression analysis based on the house price, quarter of the year and some house characteristics:

reg loglprice i.q loglot logunitsf floors rooms bedrms baths 1.garage 1.porch 1.fplwk 1.airsys
margins, at(q==(1 (1) 4)) atmean
Some basic information:

- sampling period: 1999-2013
- the repeat-sales method assesses how house valuations change over time by focusing on the different sale prices of the same piece of real estate.
Note: house has to be sold at least twice in the sampling period.

Data initialisation code:

clear all
set more off
cd "C:\Users\eljattaa\Desktop\MP"
use "C:\Users\eljattaa\Desktop\MP\data analyse\FULL merge pers.dta"

gen int_year = mod(date, 10000)
gen time_in_houseY = int_year-hhmove
keep if time_in_houseY<=2 
keep if hhmove>=1999 & hhmove<=2013

gen yearquarter = qofd(dofm(ym(hhmove, hhmovm)))
format yearquarter %tq

gen loglprice=log(lprice)
gen byte q=quarter(dofq(yearquarter))

keep if lprice>=0
keep if lot>=0 
keep if unitsf>=0
keep if floors>=0
keep if rooms>=0  
keep if bedrms>=0
keep if baths>=0
keep if garage>=0
keep if porch>=0
keep if fplwk>=0
keep if airsys>=0
keep if howh>=0

gen loglot=log(lot)
gen logunitsf=log(unitsf)
Since there are multiple observations for each house available, I assume I can perform a repeat sales analysis as well (= with house fixed effects).

Does anyone have an idea on how to prepare the code in Stata?
Afterwards, I would like to compare the average home prices of the repeat sales and the hedonic price analysis.

Thanks in advance!