code_ccaa top1_2003m top1_2015m
0 17.564796 19.249368
1 15.872214 14.858478
2 15.903887 17.305883
3 16.754777 12.964431
4 21.644028 19.625633
5 23.469588 25.111756
6 18.004456 15.023101
7 14.522813 12.144294
8 13.52175 12.315232
9 23.321752 25.125912
10 17.783638 23.32931
11 10.632379 8.6993554
12 20.383517 18.035193
13 24.538056 27.68101
14 17.924097 18.455195
17 16.791141 24.313409
18 16.047599 15.157473
19 19.730284 18.390927
I want to create the following graph but color the two ESP bars in blue. Can anyone please help? This is the code I have used so far.
graph bar top1_2003m top1_2015m, over(code_ccaa, sort(2) relabel(1 "ESP" 2 "AND" 3 "ARA" 4 "AST" 5 "BAL" 6 "CAN" 7 "CT" 8 "CL" 9 "CM" 10 "CAT" 11 "VAL" 12 "EXT" 13 "GAL" 14 "MAD" 15 "MUR" 16 "RIO" 17 "CEU" 18 "MEL" ) label(labsize(small))) graphregion(color(white)) ytitle("% de riqueza regional que posee el 1% más rico", height(5) size(medsmall)) title("{bf: CONCENTRACIÓN REGIONAL DE LA RIQUEZA EN ESPAÑA}", size(small) color(black)) subtitle(" ", margin(l+0 r+0 b-2 t-2)) legend(label(1 "2003") label(2 "2015")) bar(1, fcolor(cranberry) fintensity(50)) bar(2, fcolor(cranberry))
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