Hello everyone,
My model is Income inequality i,t = β01NatResit2 NatResi,tDemi,tn Xi,t + λti + εit
I run the model using the command reghdfe.
where NatResi,t Demi,t is interaction term. When I run reghdfe income_inequality natural_resource_rents c.natural_resource_rents#i.democracy globalization ,absorb(ccode year) and
margins, dydx(natural_resource_rents) at(democracy=(0 1)) the result i have is
Average marginal effects Number of obs = 3,249 Model VCE : OLS Expression : Linear prediction, predict() dy/dx w.r.t. : natural_resource_rents 1._at : democracy = 0 2._at : democracy = 1 Delta-method dy/dx Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] natural_resource_rents _at 1 . (not estimable) 2 . (not estimable)
Could you help me calculate marginal effects and then do a marginsplot?
Thank you very much in advance.