Dear STATA users,

Once again I need guidance to construct a multiple line graph with 2 y-axes. The reason for that is because there is a great discrepancy among my data for iron ore exports in Brazil. The dot on MMX is because the firm filed for bankruptcy.

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(year vale samarco anglo mmx others)
2013 269.87  21.9   .24 3.46 34.11
2014 279.53 25.75  1.06  .99 37.84
2015  293.4  26.1 8.821    . 37.87
2016 315.25   .16 15.85    . 45.69
2017 329.98     0 16.51    . 37.04
2018 350.37     0  3.21    . 36.32
2019 278.32     0 24.04    . 37.03
For two firms I was able to get it done.

twoway (line vale year, yaxis(1)) (line anglo year, yaxis(2) ), ///
xtitle("Years") xlabel(2013(1)2019) ///
scheme(s2mono) xsize(4) ysize(3) graphregion(fcolor(white) color(white)) name(exp_iron, replace)
Then I tried adding the other lines, but I wasn't able to ( I look into
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. and other Stata tutorials. I want to keep Vale exports on yaxis(1) and the rest on yaxis(2).

Once again, thank you all for the help.
