Dear Statalisters,

I want to control the distance between two graphs that I want to combine. One of the graphs is in itself a combined graph (see here: As you see in the plot below, I would like to reduce the distance of the red arrows so that the final plot is more compact. In addition, I'd like to move the notes (blue arrow) of the final graph more to the right so that the white space on the left is erased.

I played around with the imargin option but this didn't work out. Do you have any ideas how to do that?

Thank you, as always!


Here is an example code (taken from the forum entry mentioned above):
set obs 100
g x1 = runiform()
g y1 = runiform()

g x2 = runiform()
g y2 = runiform()

g x3 = runiform()
g y3 = runiform()

g x4 = runiform()
g y4 = runiform()

twoway scatter x1 y1, saving(SMALL1, replace)      fysize(25)     fxsize(25) 
twoway scatter x2 y2, saving(SMALL2, replace)     fysize(25)     fxsize(25) 
twoway scatter x3 y3, saving(SMALL3, replace)     fysize(25)     fxsize(25) 
twoway scatter x4 y4, saving(BIG, replace)     ysize(10)    xsize(10)

graph combine SMALL1.gph SMALL2.gph SMALL3.gph, col(1) saving(BIG2, replace)
graph combine BIG.gph Big2.gph

For later searchers: EU overseas territories, map, spmap, Alaska, Hawaii, extra small map on the side