I have a question about how to assign a random id to duplicate cases. I am cleaning survey data and it appears some respondents have completed the survey more than once. I have created a random id and would like to assign duplicates >1 with the same id. However, I am not sure how to assign duplicate respondents (based on name and date of birth) with the same id. Example data below;
1/01/2019 100001
n1 5-Feb-80 100002
n1 9/11/2018 100003
n2 5/03/2019 14-Apr-83 1 100004
n2 12/03/2019 14-Apr-83 2 100005
n3 12-Dec-78 100006
n3 16/02/2019 6-Sep-99 100007
n4 14/01/2019 27-May-85 1 100008
n4 14/05/2019 27-May-85 2 100009
n4 27-May-85 3 100010
n5 30/04/2019 6-Nov-98 100011
n6 19/02/2019 2-Feb-99 100012
n7 5-Jul-79 100013
n8 2/11/2018 5-Jul-79 100014
n9 28/02/2019 28-May-78 1 100015
n9 8/07/2019 28-May-78 2 100016
Below are the steps I have taken.

1. Identify duplicate cases

sort name dob date
quietly by name dob: gen dup=cond(_N==1,0,_n)
2. Generate random id

set seed 1234
gen rand=runiform()
sort rand
gen id=_n+100000
3. I tried the below which worked a treat but respondents with a missing name/dob were grouped. I am a little lost with regards to overcoming this step.
egen group= group(name dob)
egen xid=min(id),by(group)

I am using Stata16.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks heaps in advance!