Hi everyone, I am kind of new to the forum. I have a question relates to resampling and Fisher's exact test. I hope someone will be able to help me with this. I have a sample of 1197 observations, among that, 807 observations have "Treatment==1", and 390 observations have "Treatment==0". I want to resample (the new sample size is till 1,197 observations) with replacement the observation that have "Treatment ==1". My code is following:

generate fw = .
bsample 807 if Treatment==1, weight(fw)

This is what I get:

Do they way I did correct? My new sample still have 1,197 observations with 807 observations is resample with replacement if "Treatment==1" ?

Then I want to do the Fisher's exact test for the new sample which "Treatment ==1" and "Treatment ==0". Does anyone know how to do it?