Hi there! I want to conduct an SEM model to test the mediator. However, it shows 'factor-variable operators not allowed on latent variable I3a_7_0'.

In this model, dependent variable is unsafe(continuous variable) , independent variable is techono (continuous) , the meditator is anti_behav(continuous). Others are control variables, I3a_7_0 (category) age I2_1(category) maritalstatus (category) Igender(category) i.I1_3_2(category) income

The code is:
sem (anti_behav<-techno i.I3a_7_0 age i.I2_1 i.maritalstatus i.Igender i.I1_3_2 income) (unsafe<-anti_behav techno i.I3a_7_0 age i.I2_1 i.maritalstatus i.Igender i.I1_3_2 income)

Could anyone tell me where is wrong?