Hello to everyone again,

For my thesis, I aim on deriving country fixed effects. A suggested by a fellow Statalist member, I used the xtreg, fe command together with predict fe, u. Here is my code:

eststo a: qui xtreg patmfpc crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta  religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale, fe vce(robust)
predict fea, u 
eststo b: qui xtreg patmfse crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta  religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale, fe vce(robust)
predict feb, u
eststo c: qui xtreg patmfde crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta   religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale, fe vce(robust)
predict fec, u
eststo d: qui xtreg imp_eco crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta  religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale, fe vce(robust)
predict fed, u
eststo e: qui xtreg imp_cult crisis i.agebrack sex brncntr ethminor i.edulvla ecoinsec lbrforce i.hinctnta  religious i.safe i.strgov i.trad i.rule lrscale, fe vce(robust)
predict fee, u
This all works as intended. However, I could not figure out how to tabulate the country fixed effects of each country for all 5 dependent variables in a nice table. Just for you to understand: I am using five regressions with five different dependent variables. The countries however are always the same. After using the predict command, I have a new variable for fea, feb, fec, fed and fee. For each country, the variable is always the same for the respective model.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
