I am trying to implement a simulation and face an error message. Apparently it has to do with the previously defined global macro that I use in the simulation program. The error can be illustrated by this simple example code:
clear set seed 123 set obs 100 gen binary = runiformint(0,1) gen indep = runiformint(0,100) // EXAMPLE PROBIT REGRESSION, SAVING ONE REGRESSION OUTPUT VALUE AS A GLOBAL MACRO probit binary indep global probit_cons _b[_cons] // SIMULATION PROGRAM capture program drop sim1 program define sim1 // IRRELEVANT EXAMPLE CALCULATION IN THE SIMULATION clear set obs 10 gen uni = runiform() sum uni, meanonly scalar a = r(mean) // THIS IS THE PROBLEMATIC LINE - WHY? gen test = normal($probit_cons) end simulate a, reps(10): sim1
no variables defined an error occurred when simulate executed sim1 r(111)
I would be greatful for any hint.
Tom Storwitz
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