I generate a hbox with

set obs `=9 * 2 * 5' 
set seed 2803 
gen y = rnormal()
egen x1 = seq(), to(4) block(1)

label define category 1 "First" 2 "Second" 3 "Third" 4 "Fourth"
label val x1 category

graph hbox y, nooutsides over(x1) legend(off) nofill note("")
This results in

I would like to set different colors for each category. I do this with asyvars option. But then the labels disappear. Would really appreciate some help on restoring the labels in the vertical axis when using asyvavrs option.

set obs `=9 * 2 * 5' 
set seed 2803 
gen y = rnormal()
egen x1 = seq(), to(4) block(1)

label define category 1 "First" 2 "Second" 3 "Third" 4 "Fourth"
label val x1 category

graph hbox y, nooutsides asyvars over(x1) legend(off) nofill note("")