Thanks to Kit Baum, I am happy to announce a new Stata command, clan, is available in SSC. The command conducts a cluster-level analysis on data from a cluster-randomised trial. It can adjust for individual- and cluster-level covariates and account for stratification of the randomisation.
ssc install clan
. net get clan . sysuse mkvtrial, clear . . clan know i.agegp, arm(arm) cluster(community) effect(rr) Cluster-level analysis Number of clusters (total): 20 Number of obs = 4,100 Number of clusters (arm 0): 10 Obs per cluster: Number of clusters (arm 1): 10 min = 169 avg = 205 max = 257 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Estimate df P-val [95% Conf. Interval] --------------------+------------------------------------------------------ Risk by arm | 0 | .4501352 1 | .6562291 --------------------+------------------------------------------------------ Adj. risk ratio | 1.470462 18 0.0001 1.250648 1.72891 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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