I'm running Stata 15.1 on OSX and working with panel data (2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018). All of my variables are labeled according to the wave/year in which they were measured. To reshape the data from wide to long form, I entered the following syntax:
reshape long weight_ immi_contribution_ immi_naturalize_ immi_makedifficult_ immi_num_ immi_legal_ third_immi > _ europe_ mexico_ middleast_ india_ ideo5_ educ_ birthyr_ gender_ pew_religimp_ race_ weight_ pew_churatd_ re > vamshamed_ prouddem_ proudhis_ proudgrp_ race_deservemore_ race_overcome_ race_tryharder_ race_slave_ amborni > n_ amcit_ amlived_ amenglish_ amchrstn_ amgovt_ amwhite_ amdiverse_ race_importance_ race_majority_1_ race_ma > jority_2_ race_majority_3_ race_majority_4_ SOCIAL_CONFORMITY_1_ SOCIAL_CONFORMITY_2_ SOCIAL_CONFORMITY_3_ SO > CIAL_CONFORMITY_4_ immi_contribution_treat_ immi_contribution_a_ immi_contribution_b_ immigration_cap_ conta > ct_english_treat_ immigrants_take_ immigrants_culture_ immigrants_security_ immigrants_crime_ immigrants_econ > omy_ immigration_help_ volunteerorg2_10_ antieur_ egalitarian_opportunies_ egalitarian_worry_less_ egalitaria > n_no_big_deal_ egalitarian_fewer_problems_ faminc_ state_ party7_ case_identifier europe_ mexico_ middleast_ > india_ china_ africa_, i(case_identifier) j(year) (note: j = 2016 2017 2018) (note: immi_num_2016 not found) (note: immi_legal_2016 not found) (note: third_immi_2016 not found) (note: europe_2016 not found) (note: mexico_2016 not found) (note: middleast_2016 not found) (note: india_2016 not found) (note: birthyr_2016 not found) (note: gender_2016 not found) (note: immi_contribution_treat_2016 not found) (note: immi_contribution_a_2016 not found) (note: immi_contribution_b_2016 not found) (note: immigration_cap_2016 not found) (note: contact_english_treat_2016 not found) (note: immigrants_take_2016 not found) (note: immigrants_culture_2016 not found) (note: immigrants_security_2016 not found) (note: immigrants_crime_2016 not found) (note: immigrants_economy_2016 not found) (note: immigration_help_2016 not found) (note: volunteerorg2_10_2016 not found) (note: antieur_2016 not found) (note: egalitarian_opportunies_2016 not found) (note: egalitarian_worry_less_2016 not found) (note: egalitarian_no_big_deal_2016 not found) (note: egalitarian_fewer_problems_2016 not found) (note: case_identifier2016 not found) (note: china_2016 not found) (note: africa_2016 not found) variable weight_2016 not found r(111);
Below is some sample data, which includes variables that either weren't included in the 2017 wave (immi_contribution_2018) or the 2016 and 2018 waves (immigration_cap_2017).
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long case_identifier byte(immi_contribution_2016 immi_contribution_2018 immigration_cap_2017) 779 1 1 1 2108 2 3 2 2597 1 1 2 4148 1 . . 4460 3 2 2 5225 1 1 2 5903 1 . 2 6059 3 3 3 8048 1 . 1 9869 1 1 2 13112 1 . . 14087 1 1 2 14474 3 . 3 14507 1 1 2 15464 1 1 2 20459 1 1 2 25193 2 1 1 27599 3 8 2 2035940 1 1 1 6000479 3 . . 6000794 3 . 3 6001082 2 1 2 6002069 3 3 3 6004538 1 . 2 6006515 3 . 3 6008999 3 . 3 6009677 1 . . 6010778 1 1 2 6013199 3 3 3 6014066 2 . . 6014345 1 . . 6015176 3 3 3 6018461 3 . . 6020087 3 . . 6021503 1 . 2 6022898 3 3 2 6023987 3 . 2 6024683 8 3 3 6026186 1 1 2 6026195 1 1 1 6026246 1 1 2 6026537 3 . . 6028715 3 3 3 6032768 3 . . 6033338 3 3 3 6035645 8 . 2 6036608 1 . . 6038444 1 . . 6041060 3 . . 6046208 3 3 3 6048548 1 . . 6051575 1 . . 6054065 1 1 1 6057581 3 . . 6059078 3 . . 6061217 3 3 3 6061877 1 1 1 6061937 2 1 2 6062156 1 . . 6063833 1 1 2 6064967 1 1 1 6067322 2 1 2 6067754 3 3 1 6070919 3 . 3 6072560 1 1 1 6073346 1 1 2 6074072 3 2 2 6079028 1 . 2 6079631 1 . . 6081782 1 . 2 6082415 1 1 1 6082955 1 . . 6084239 1 . 2 6085712 3 3 3 6086672 3 . 3 6086936 1 . . 6088319 1 1 1 6088628 8 . 2 6089561 2 2 2 6095012 3 3 2 6095318 1 1 2 6095753 2 . 2 6095852 1 1 2 6098411 2 . . 6100238 1 1 2 6100907 3 3 3 6106253 3 . 3 6108272 1 1 1 6109619 1 1 2 6110054 1 2 2 6110435 1 1 1 6110906 3 3 1 6111152 3 . . 6112508 1 1 2 6114890 3 . . 6116483 3 . 3 6116600 1 . 2 6116972 1 . 2 6117203 1 . 1 6117347 1 1 2 end label values immi_contribution_2016 V323_A label def V323_A 1 "Mostly make a contribution", modify label def V323_A 2 "Neither", modify label def V323_A 3 "Mostly a drain", modify label def V323_A 8 "Don't know", modify label values immi_contribution_2018 V993_A label def V993_A 1 "Mostly make a contribution", modify label def V993_A 2 "Neither", modify label def V993_A 3 "Mostly a drain", modify label def V993_A 8 "Don't know", modify label values immigration_cap_2017 IMMIGRAT label def IMMIGRAT 1 "Increase", modify label def IMMIGRAT 2 "Keep about the same", modify label def IMMIGRAT 3 "Decrease", modify
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