Hi I'm running this binary analysis to predict inadequate Ofsted Y/N from a range of indicators:
elasticnet logit SIFPrior IMDAverageScore2015 IMDAverageScore2019 UrbanRuralPercent EthnicityPercentageWhite RReferral RAssessment RCINStart RCINMarch RCINDuriing RCINCease RCINCease3M RCINCease2Y RSection47 RCPConference RCPPMarch RCPPStart RCPPCease RCPPCease3M RCareProceedings RLookedAfterMarch RCareOrderMarch RS20March RLookedAfterStart RCareOrderStart RS20Start RAssessPerReferral RS47PerReferral RCPPPerReferral RCareOrderPerReferral RCPPPerS47 RPriorReferral RPriorCPPlan RNFA RNotCIN RAssess45Days RCPP15Days RCPPReview RTotalSpend RSpendSafetyPop RSpendSafetyCIN RCINPerSW RAgencyRate RVacancyRate RTurnover, rseed(1234)
I'd like to save the predicted membership from the regression analysis, as I might do in SPSS, to see how the predicted scores (inadequate "yes"'s) compare to actual scores (inadequate "yes"'s. Basically another binary column showing the predicted outcome. I'm new to Stata so please be gentle.
Any help much appreciated
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