
I struggle with creating trace plots after data imputation.

Imputation code has the following structure:

mi impute chained variables, add(100) rseed (54321) savetrace(trace1, replace) augment

Code for generating trace plots:

use trace1,clear

reshape wide *mean *sd, i(iter) j(m)
tsset iter
tsline SES_mean*, name(mice1,replace)legend(off) ytitle("Mean of SES")
tsline SES_sd*, name(mice2, replace) legend(off) ytitle("SD of SES")
graph combine mice1 mice2, xcommon cols(1) title(Trace plots of summaries of imputed values)
Every time when STATA gets to tsline the following error occurs:

too many variables specified
Describe statistics includes the following information (in case it is relevant for resolving the issue):

Contains data from trace1.dta
  obs:         1,276                          
 vars:            38                         
 size:       193,952 

Data                               long   ->   wide
Number of obs.                     1276   ->      11
Number of variables                  38   ->    4177

Setting maxvar to 32767 did not help. My STATA version is 13 SE. Is it really the case that too many variables are specified and therefore I can not proceed or is there a solution? Thank you in advance for your answers.