
I have started to work on my data do-file for my thesis I managed to run the commands I need and export the regression tables to word. However, I struggle with the Word-output for the descriptives statistics per country. I want to build a table like the example below. However, I haven't succeeded. Either the word-output is completely empty, the countries are next to each other rather than in rows, and so on ...
Country Absolute Number of Observations per Country Relative Number of Observations per Country Variable 1 Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3 Variable 4
Mean SD Median Median Median
AT 20 20%
AU 55 55%
BE 15 15%
BG 20 20%
Total 100 100%
Variable 1 is main dependent variable which is on firm-level. I'd like to show mean and sd for this one. Variable 2, 3, and 4 are country-level variables which hardly change (that's why I use the median).

In case it is not possible to do mean, sd and median in the same table, but for different variables. I would also appreciate two separate tables (one with variable 1, one with variable 2, 3, and 4)

Here is some code I have tried so far.
eststo clear
estpost tabstat VARIABLES, by(GGISO) statistics(count mean sd) columns(statistics)
esttab using Summary.rtf, ///
        append ///        
        noobs ///
        unstack ///
        nonumbers ///
        nolz ///
        nomtitle ///
        coeflabel(VARIABLES and LABELS) ///
        b(%9.2f) ///
        title ("Summary Statistics - Country")
eststo clear
Thank you very much!