I have started to work on my data do-file for my thesis

Country | Absolute Number of Observations per Country | Relative Number of Observations per Country | Variable 1 | Variable 1 | Variable 2 | Variable 3 | Variable 4 |
Mean | SD | Median | Median | Median | |||
AT | 20 | 20% | |||||
AU | 55 | 55% | |||||
BE | 15 | 15% | |||||
BG | 20 | 20% | |||||
Total | 100 | 100% |
In case it is not possible to do mean, sd and median in the same table, but for different variables. I would also appreciate two separate tables (one with variable 1, one with variable 2, 3, and 4)
Here is some code I have tried so far.
eststo clear estpost tabstat VARIABLES, by(GGISO) statistics(count mean sd) columns(statistics) esttab using Summary.rtf, /// append /// noobs /// unstack /// nonumbers /// nolz /// nomtitle /// coeflabel(VARIABLES and LABELS) /// b(%9.2f) /// title ("Summary Statistics - Country") eststo clear
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