Step 1: The null model
Step 2: Fixed effects at individual level entered as group mean centered versions (GMC) and their corresponding group means (GM): matgr (maternal age group), v190 (household wealth), v106 (maternal education), and sex (child’s sex) with their respective GM- gm1, gm2, gm4, and gm6
Step 3: Other group/cluster level contextual effects (prevalence of child marriage in cluster) and global variables (urban/rural and countries (4; varname- contr))
Step 4: Intra-level interactions added one at a time (all possible combinations), followed by adding all significant ones together
Step 5: Individual level variables introduced as random effects, one at a time, in the form of grand mean centered variable as well as a dummy variable for each category as suggested in LEMMA.
Step 6: Cross-level interactions (all possible combinations) added one at a time, followed by adding all significant ones together
At each step, the “final-step” model included only significant predictors which was then checked for adequate approximation at multiple quadrature points (8, 10, 15, and 20). In case of step 2, both versions of a variable (GMC and the GM) were kept in the model if either one was significant- the same goes for interactions. The “final-step” model was checked against the one from the previous step by likelihood ratio tests.
I tried some variations to the above by using only GMC in Step 2 and reintroducing the GMs in Step 3; using uncentered individual level variables in Step 2 with and without grand means (the latter is a bad idea as per Bell & Jones [9]); adding the global variables in Step 2; adding rural as a random effect.
Some of my Stata commands and the final model are as below:
*Rescaling of weights *Level 1 weights using scaling method 1 (Carle, 2009): New weights sum to cluster/state sample size gen sqw = wt*wt egen sumsqw1 = sum(sqw), by(state) egen sumw1 = sum(wt), by(state) gen pwt11 = wt*sumw1/sumsqw1 * Survey setting
gen wt2=1 svyset state, weight(wt2) strata(v025) , singleunit(centered) || _n, weight(pwt11)
*Null model
svy, subpop(basep):melogit lbw||state:,
mat a=e(b) *Final model
svy, subpop(basep):melogit lbw i.contr##c.matgr_g i.contr#c.v106_g i.contr#c.sex_g i.contr#c.gm1 c.matgr_g#c.gm2 c.v190_g##c.v106_g c.v190_g#c.pc_ch_marriage c.sex_g c.gm1 c.gm2 c.gm4 c.gm6 c.pc_ch_marriage||state: , from(a, skip)
Below are two of the graphs that say that probability of low birth weight increases with increasing average household wealth in cluster (gm2)- which does not make sense and is incorrect [10].
*Graph 1
est restore s32 margins , subpop(basep) pred(pr) at(gm2=(1.715066 1.829877 2.03465 2.382972 2.588799 2.756229 3.115728 3.453595 3.989769 4.308882 4.619933)) vsquish post nose
*Graph 2
est restore s32 margins , subpop(basep) pred(pr) at(gm2=(1.715066 1.829877 2.03465 2.382972 2.588799 2.756229 3.115728 3.453595 3.989769 4.308882 4.619933)) over(matgr) vsquish post nose
So, where have I gone wrong? I will appreciate any advice on this.
Thank you
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