* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double(date id price price_lag) 15718 1 50 . 15718 2 40 . 15718 3 30 . 15719 1 10 50 15719 2 20 40 15719 3 12 30 15720 1 36 10 15720 2 41 20 15720 3 56 12 15720 4 18 . 15721 1 45 36 15721 2 1 41 15721 3 46 56 15721 4 84 18 15721 5 4 . end format %tdMonth_DD,_CCYY date
The issue is that if I do tsset date, it gives an error because of duplicate dates.
P.S: I have manually written the lag variable for this example.
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