Hi there,
First of all I am new to this forum and I've been trying to find a relatable post but wasn't able to find it. I'm running a regression to study the potential relation between accruals earnings management and corporate social responsibility. I included several control variables but I followed previous studies and included the variables year and country to control for specific year and country effects.
So, this is what I ran on Stata:
xtset id year
egen year_country = group(year country)
xtreg REM CSR AEM GROWTH SIZE LEV ROA BIG4 IND, fe vce(robust)
xtreg REM CSR AEM GROWTH SIZE LEV ROA BIG4 IND i.year_country, re vce(robust)
xtreg REM CSR AEM GROWTH SIZE LEV ROA BIG4 IND i.year i.country, re vce(robust)
My question is: does this fulfil the propose of my research? And if I want to export the coefficients should it be from the first regression with fixed effects and cluster robust?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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