For my thesis, I have to do some regressions in STATA. I am not very good with STATA at the moment, so I would like to check if some things are correct with you. Help is greatly appreciated.
My regression is testing is 'green attitude' is positively related to 'green buying' (if you care about the environmental impact of the products you buy, you buy more green products). Secondly, I am testing whether the impact of attitude on green buying will be moderated by the trust in ecolabels. (If you trust that ecolabels are reliable, it's easier to differentiate products in the supermarket and convert your attitude into actual behaviour).
Control variables: Age, gender, country
I have two questions.
1. As my dependent variable (green buying) is on a likert scale from 'I often buy green products' to 'I never buy green products', I assume that I have to use an ordinal logistic regression?
Would this be the correct regression?
. ologit greenbuying attitude age i.gender i.country
2. To test for moderation, I am not sure what I have to do. For 'Trust in ecolabels' I have 4 answers: (Fully confident, Fairly confident, Not very confident, Not at all confident). Would that mean I have to make 3 interaction terms: Attitude*Fully confident, Attitude*Fairly confident and Attitude*Not very confident? How would this be tested for moderation?
I really hope I explained this as clear as possible. If it's not clear please let me know.
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