Hi Statalisters,

I have a question with regards to descriptive statistics. I have been working on a code to get the sum output of my variables of interest in one table at the same time however as some of the variables are not continuous variables I would like to have them expressed in percentages. Would be great if you could have a quick look in what I have done so far!

//4. List variables for which you'd like to report summary statistics

local age_1 ownsphone school schoolagedchildren_1 childrenattendschool partner childmortality

//5. Create an empty matrix y with J rows and K columns based on the number of variables of interest and
//     the number of summary statistic scalars that you wish to report

local j_rows=7
local k_columns=4

mat m = J(`j_rows',`k_columns',.)

//6. Initialize counter variable y to start at 1

local y=1

//7. Generate matrix of summary statistics fromt he pre-specified list of variables

foreach var of varlist age_1 ownsphone school schoolagedchildren_1 childrenattendschool partner childmortality {
    sum `var' if round==0, d
    mat m[`y',1] = round(r(mean),.1)
    sum `var' if round==0, d
    mat m[`y',2] = round(r(sd),.1)
    sum `var' if round==100, d
    mat m[`y',3] = round(r(mean),.1)
    sum `var' if round==100, d
    mat m[`y',4] = round(r(sd),.1)
    local y=`y'+1

//8. Name Columns and Rows
mat colnames m = "Control Mean" "Control SD" "Treatment Mean"  "Treatment SD"
mat rownames m = "age_1" "ownsphone" "school" "schoolagedchildren_1" "childrenattendschool" "partner" "childmortality"

//9. Save matrix to spreadsheet
mat2txt, matrix(m) saving (FILE LOCATION) replace
Have a good day!
