Hello, Greeting to all!
Please I am trying to test the consequences of exchange rate regime and capital control on foreign reserve accumulation.

Upon running several regressions, most of the "p-values" are not significant. It is a panel data.

Please can you help me solve this problem?

#Attached is a link to my dataset, commands and some regression results.


Hope to have your feedback, thanks.

#Best Result so far
xtreg res L.res L2.ka_open L2.stdebt L2.eqty_gdp L2.trade L2.Intpamt err_d4 err_d3 err_d2 , re robust


#Alternative measure of reserve
xtreg reslg_gdp L1.reslg_gdp L2.ka_open L1.stdebt L1.eqty_gdp L1.trade Intpamt err_d4 err_d3 err_d2 , re robust


Attached Files